Our partners understand the value of promoting their industry while furthering PxE's goals.
We are working diligently to close the talent gap.
We improve follow up communications with targeted schools and businesses.
We can create an initial event program for you and then teach you how to sustain those connections for years to come.
Want to get involved?
Use the contact form or email us LetsDoThis@PathwayXEvents.org

Build It: Construction! Sponsorship Levels

Executive Trainer
Master Influencer and Skilled Journeyman benefits plus:
Video- customized 1 minute or less breakout video showcasing your company's role in event, including one teacher and one student testimonial.
Pathway X discount on event.
Management for one 2020 company event.
Partnering with other companies is optional to obtain this level of benefits.
Skilled Journeyman benefits plus:
Blog content article up to 500 words naming your business as an "Influencer" of youth career pathways.
5 professionally edited event photos. Minimum of 3 shots will include your company's specific activity.
Logo on all sponsor signs.
Highlighted recognition on PxE website.
Partnering with other companies is optional to obtain this level of benefits.
master influencer
15'x15' showcase activity space (including electricity).
Logo on school flyers and communications as a recognized partner.
Event sign recognition at your station and on all sponsor signs.
Company name recognition in press release.
Mention on PxE social media pages.
Logo to career page linked on PxE website.
Skilled journeyman
- Video mention.
Linked logo to companies career page on PxE website.
Logon on school flyers and communications as a recognized partner.
Company name recognition in press release.
Mention on PxE social media pages.
Optional promotional items on-site in highlighted area.
Build It: Construction attendance and participation not required to obtain this level of benefits.